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Delaware Community Development Network

About Us

The Delaware Community Development Network (DCDN) is facilitated by Housing Alliance Delaware.


The Delaware Community Development Network (DCDN) is the voice for Delaware’s community development sector. DCDN focuses on providing resources to affordable housing developers, housing counseling agencies, and community-based nonprofits located in Delaware.  

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Address the Economic and Social Impact of Community Development in Delaware

DCDN will launch a campaign to educate the public, legislators, and funders about the important social and economic impact of Delaware’s community development sector.

Build Capacity of the DCDN and the Community Development Sector

The DCDN will develop its capacity and the capacity of partner organizations.

Promote Housing as a Vital Condition/Social Determinate of Health

Housing is a social determinate of health or a vital condition. The Community Development Network is in a unique position to bring together partners to address the health and housing issues exposed by the COVID 19 crisis.

Advance Approaches to Social Justice

Community development initiatives must consider the impact on the community and work as a driver of social justice.

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