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CoC Program Funding

CoC Funding
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FY24 CoC Funding Competition

The FY24 DE CoC Funding Policies were finalized by the DE CoC Funding Committee and adopted by the non-conflicted DE CoC Board in April of 2024. These policies will govern the process by which the DE CoC reviews, scores, selects, & ranks projects for the FY24 HUD CoC Program Funding Competition.

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Renewal Project Information

FY24 Renewal Scoring Tool & Application 

Renewal Project Launch Meeting

The submission deadline for FY24 Renewal Project applications and supporting documentation is 4:00pm, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

The FY24 DE CoC Renewal Project Scoring Tool was finalized and approved by the CoC Funding Committee in May of 2024. The Renewal Project Scoring Tool details the metrics and point values by which DE CoC Renewal Projects will be evaluated for the annual HUD CoC Funding Competition.

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New Project Information

The submission deadline for FY23 DE CoC NOI was 4:00pm on Friday May 17, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.

The DE CoC released a Notice of Intent (NOI) for the FY24 CoC Program Funding Year. This notice outlines the allowed uses of the HUD CoC Program funds anticipated to be available for the FY24 funding competition and helps determine the eligibility of potential applicants prior to the release of the FY24 new project request for proposals (RFP).

CoC Funding Committee

The CoC Funding Committee is a non-conflicted volunteer group that convenes to fulfill the DE CoC’s annual federal funding requirements in response to the HUD CoC Program NOFO. In collaboration with the non-conflicted CoC Board and CoC Lead Agency, the Committee develops and implements an objective and transparent project review and ranking process to provide funding recommendations to the non-conflicted CoC Board.

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FY24 Committee Members

Gatefred Bivens, CPSU & Assist Teams

John Whitelaw, CoC Board, CLASI

Karen Records, DSAMH

Michelle Statham, DSHA

Nicole Sammons-Johnson, CoW

Paula Witcher, CoC Board

Sue Ryan, CoC Board, DCADV

Susan Kent, CoC Board Chair 

FY23 CoC Funding Competition

The FY23 Funding policies were finalized by the DE CoC Funding Committee and adopted by the non-conflicted DE CoC Board in May of 2023. These policies will govern the process by which the DE CoC reviews, scores, selects, and ranks projects for the FY23 HUD CoC Funding Competition.

On July 5, 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released the FY23 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Opportunity, making $2.8 billion in funding available for people experiencing homelessness. The FY23 NOFO application deadline was September 38, 2023.

The DE CoC is proud to announce the award of  $10 million in Continuum of Care homeless assistance funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as a result of the FY23 HUD CoC Program Funding Competition. 

FY23 DE CoC Consolidated Application

The FY23 DE-500 Consolidated Application was approved by the non-conflicted CoC Board on 9/25/2023 and submitted to HUD on 9/27/2023.

DE-500 CoC Application Submission

DE-500 CoC Priority List Submission

FY23 DE CoC Priority Listing

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The DE CoC Priority Project Listing contains the list of projects accepted and ranked to be submitted to HUD for CoC homeless assistance funding. You can also find information regarding projects that were reduced or rejected by the DE CoC.

The non-conflicted CoC Board reviewed and approved the priority listing recommended by the CoC Funding Committee on 9/6/23.

DE CoC Funding Archives

The DE CoC Funding Archives contain all documents utilized to comply with, and respond to, the annual Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

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