Community Management
Information System
About CMIS
About CMIS
The Community Management Information System (CMIS) is the Delaware Continuum of Care’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
HMIS is a local information system used to collect client-level data and data about the provision of housing and services to people and families experiencing homelessness. CMIS is a database that collects client- and program-level information from homeless assistance providers to describe Delaware’s state of homelessness in detail.
As the CMIS Lead Agency, Housing Alliance Delaware (HAD) is responsible for the local administration of this data system. This includes providing training and technical assistance to 30+ participating housing assistance providers. CMIS Data is utilized for reports and analyses submitted to local and national entities. Delaware’s Coordinated Entry System, Centralized Intake, also utilizes CMIS to send referrals to providers available each day.
Get CMIS Help
Housing Alliance Delaware utilizes Zoho Desk, a customer service software, for all CMIS support requests.
There are three ways for CMIS users to raise questions on data quality and request reports, training, and/or technical assistance:
1. Fill out the web form below
2. Send a direct email to
3. Submit a ticket through Zoho Desk’s portal by clicking on "Contact Support"
CMIS Contacts
CMIS Program Manager -
Amelia Ramsaran
Data Reporting Analyst -
Robert Dietz
Data Support Specialist -
Courtney Brown
Visit the new CMIS Support Desk, which allows CMIS end users to view training materials, read articles about DE-CMIS, and submit tickets for assistance.
Delaware's Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Only trained and authorized users may access DE-CMIS.
CMIS end users can access training videos 24/7 through our training portal.
Authorized CMIS end users can access a demo version of DE-CMIS for training and review purposes.